Leader vs Boss

Leader vs Boss: What Are The Differences

The terms leader and boss are often used interchangeably to refer to superiors in corporate organizations. However, both have different meanings.

Boss is a term for people with hierarchical positions in the organization, who have the power to give orders and manage the people under them.  A boss is a superior who has the authority to control and supervise subordinates so that they work according to predetermined standards.

While the leader is an individual attribute that is not always related to a structural position but can influence team members and the entire organization. A leader can be anywhere and still inspire people to act together.

In the business world, ensuring that it has a leader is very much important. Because a leader can lead and be on hand to help grow the business, while the boss might not always have the attribution to do so. Take a look below to see the difference between a leader and a boss that can affect how a business goes through.

The Boss Gives Orders, The Leader Invites and Motivates

The boss works by ordering staff to do the job or other tasks. Most times, they stayed behind and were not involved in the work itself. They are delegating tasks and supervising the employees. On the other hand, a leader will work by inviting and motivating team members. They will be involved in the work and lead the way to set an example for others.

The Boss Is Result-Oriented, The Leader Process-Oriented

A boss cares more about results, such as the performance and productivity of employees that can be measured by numbers. They define successful employees based on how they can achieve their work targets in a daily, weekly, or monthly period.

While leaders will focus more on the process of achieving team or group goals for the long term. They define successful employees based on the quality of their self-development and growth that is in line with the organization’s vision.

The Boss Inflicts Fear, The Leader Cheers From Behind

Bosses tend to control the team by creating fear. For example, they might give sanctions to employees who do not achieve work targets. This way, they want to make sure everyone on the team doesn’t disobey orders and achieves success. Leaders tend to energize the team and value each employee’s role and contribution. A leader wants employees to have initiatives that are aligned with group values ​​in achieving common goals.

Boss Rely on Authority, Leader Rely on Influence

The boss works by relying on the authority inherent in their position, starting from giving orders, dividing tasks, setting targets, and supervising employees. A boss was obeyed by employees because of his power. Conversely, a leader works by relying on the ability to influence others. They are admired by employees for their strong personal character and the values ​​they bring to the organization.

Boss Decide By Themselves, And The leader Encourages Democracy

A superior who has a higher position will usually opt to make their own decisions on many matters regarding the business. After the decision is agreed upon, they will then apply it to all subordinates. Employees have no autonomy and are only required to comply with what has been decided by their superiors.

The leader emphasizes the participation and collaboration of team members. Employees will be given the trust and responsibility to make decisions autonomously to practice their skills in solving problems.

The Boss is Profit-Oriented, And the Leader is Vision Oriented

The boss works with an orientation to company profits.  To be assessed as achievement, employee performance is measured using numerical parameters such as financial gain. While leaders work with the orientation of achieving the vision of the business. A leader is focused on efforts to accelerate the achievement of company goals, by developing teamwork, collaboration, and innovation.

Boss Maintains The Status Quo, The Leader is Open To New Ideas

A boss is more conservative, maintaining the status quo.  Employees only carry out routines that have been outlined in standard work processes. Leaders are more open to any new ideas that can bring changes in a better direction and accelerate goal attainment. They also often challenge employees to be more creative in finding solutions in solving problems.

Great leadership combined with technical skills, soft skills, and values ​​that match company goals, is the best recipe to build a great team that can help the business to achieve success. Wealthbridge is the best place for you, who are currently trying to find the best candidate for nominee director with great leadership skills for your business.

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