7 Tips for Protecting Your Glass Windows
At least 23 percent of burglars get in through a window.
Most homeowners feel helpless against this threat as they don’t know how to protect glass windows. They claim that home security systems are costly and can’t afford them. According to the Insurance Information Institute, Americans report almost one million claims each year related to broken glass windows and doors, and this figure only represents the glass that has been broken in homes and businesses — not cars or other vehicles. This article will give you five things you didn’t know about glass windows so that you can protect yours better.
The great news is that there are many inexpensive ways of enhancing your home’s security.
Read on to uncover seven tips for protecting your glass windows.
Table of Contents
1. Install Window Locks
To keep your home safe, you must make it impossible to open the windows from the outside.
That’s why you should consider installing locks on all windows in your home. So, compare different window locks to decide the best ones to install.
2. Repair Broken Window Quickly
You’re tempting fate when days go by without repairing the broken window glass at your home. To enhance safety, use the web to search for the best “glass repair near me.”
You want to find a competent company that offers emergency glass repair service.
3. Reinforce Your Windows
The other simple glass protection tip to consider is adding a protective film. The film reinforces the glass and makes it hard to break. Also, the film makes it hard for people to peep inside, thereby enhancing your home’s privacy.
4. Light Up Your Home’s Compound
To discourage home break-ins, experts recommend installing lights. So, review your home’s set up to decide the strategic places to install lights.
Also, look for resources that help you know the best exterior home lights to buy.
5. Invest in Gentle Glass Cleaners
Most homeowners use the wrong glass cleaners, which causes small cracks that spread with time.
Although unintentional, these homeowners end up weakening their glass windows. To overcome this challenge, you need to shop for gentle glass cleaners.
6. Clear Bushes Near Your Home Windows
With so many activities demanding your attention, it is easy to forget to cut down the bushes near your window. You keep procrastinating this task without realizing these bushes offer burglars a hiding spot.
That’s why you need to free up time to clear out these bushes or hire someone to do this work.
7. Consider Glass Break Sensors
To scare burglars away, you should consider installing glass break sensors.
These sensors are designed to detect a break-in and send a signal to your phone and the home’s security alarm. So, compare how different glass break sensors works and their pricing to decide the best one to buy.
Keep Your Home Safe by Protecting Your Glass Windows
Protecting your glass windows is key to enhancing your home’s security. So, review the above glass protection tips to know which one to implement. The idea is to get locks to ensure it’s impossible to open your windows from the outside.
Also, consider investing in window glass sensors and installing a protective film.
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Alan Roodey is a professional Author and contributor to many sites. He loves to write on various topics.