
5 Telltale Signs Your Teen is Battling Mental Health Problems

Unarguably, being a teenager is tough. Turbulent emotions, peer pressure, and academic stress can sometimes feel overwhelming. And while it’s perfectly normal for teens to experience ups and downs, sometimes these difficulties can escalate into more serious mental health problems. This article talks about how parently conversations with teens help ease underlying mental difficulties.

Though some adults may write off teenage angst as “just a phase,” it’s important to remember that these mental health disorders are real. And they can have severe irreversible consequences if left untreated. If you feel like your teen is struggling, here are some signs to look out for:

Drug or Alcohol Abuse

Teenage is an impulsive phase. When teens are angry or disturbed about their circumstances, they frequently use alcohol and drugs to manage their feelings. Adults do it as well. However, since teenagers are still in puberty and their brains are still developing, substance abuse might have a more detrimental effect.

While substance abuse can help cure feelings of hopelessness, depression, irritation, and negative ideas (for the time being), they will worsen with time. When left untreated, almost half of kids with mental health disorders end up regularly indulging in drugs. It can make it harder to treat their mental health, eventually impacting their future.

So, to encourage teenagers to quit or reduce substance use, experts emphasize that it is critical to provide them with additional coping methods. It’ll help them deal with their difficulties without resorting to drugs. Moreover, institutes like Delphi Health Group can be an excellent resource for seeking professional help.

Severe Mood Changes

Teens are unpredictable. They may be cheerful one moment and sad the next, for days. Anything could be a cause, honestly. With teens, you can never be sure. Maybe they had an argument with their best friend, got a bad grade on a test, or didn’t feel like themselves that day. But, if these symptoms last for more than two weeks, it could be a sign of something more serious.

Bipolar syndrome and depression are two pervasive mental health disorders affecting teens nowadays. With bipolar disorder, the teen might have intense mood swings, feel overly happy at times, or experience incredible energy changes. They could also become irritable quickly or have problems sleeping. Signs of depression include feeling sad all the time, having no interest in activities they used to enjoy, and thoughts of self-harm.

Isolation and Loss of Interest

Teens are mostly interested in their social group and the activities that keep them in public. So, when they start to pull away and lose interest in the things that used to make them happy, it could be a sign of something more sinister. If your teen is no longer hanging out with their friends as much and would rather stay in their room, it might be a sign that they’re struggling.

You may also notice that your kid is skipping school or has stopped participating in extracurricular activities. It could indicate that they’re feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. You can only solve the riddle by starting a discussion. However, always remember, if you’re ever in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution and seek professional help.

Drastic Change in Eating and Sleeping Habits

Food is a source of energy for the body, but it may also serve as a source of comfort. So, it’s not surprising that changes in eating habits are often linked to changes in mood. Food, in this case, becomes an indicator of a mental health problem. Your kid might binge on food, not eat at all, or eat a lot and purge afterward.

Sudden weight fluctuation can also be a physical manifestation of stress, anxiety, or depression. If you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to talk to your teen about their eating habits.

Sleep is another essential part of our physical and mental health. Teens need around nine hours of sleep a night, but many fall short. Changes in sleeping patterns can be due to various psychological and physical ailments. Your teen may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep all night due to insomnia. They may find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and spend a significant portion of their day in bed on occasion.

Declining Grades

Focusing on schoolwork and maintaining good grades is often a challenge for teenagers. But they still try and work hard to meet your expectations and their own. If you notice a sudden decline in grades, it may be a sign that something is going on with your teen.

There are many reasons why grades may drop, but if it’s out of character for your child, it’s worth talking to them. Before you bring it up with your kid, try discussing it with their teacher to see if they’ve been noticing anything. If what you fear is confirmed, your child’s teacher can help you create a treatment plan that takes academics into account.


If you observe any of these indications in your teenager, you should have a conversation about it. It might be difficult for teenagers to express their emotions, but let them know you’re there for them and want to assist. If the issue appears severe, don’t wait until later to get professional assistance. Mental health issues are plaguing young adults, and early treatment may make all the difference for your youngster.

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