
The Most Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Pedestrian accidents can happen to anyone, and in 2020 in the United States, an estimated 55,000 people were injured while walking on the street. Sadly, a further 6,516 fatalities were also recorded.

So if a negligent or drunk driver hits you, it’s vital to be aware of the types of injuries you can sustain. With this knowledge, you’ll know what to do in the event of a pedestrian accident.

To learn more, keep reading, and we’ll give you an overview of the most common pedestrian accident injuries and how a personal injury attorney can help.

Types of Pedestrian Car Accidents

A pedestrian car accident is any road accident involving a vehicle, such as a motorcycle, car, or truck, and a pedestrian (someone outside of a vehicle). In some states, bicycles are also considered vehicles, so ensure you discuss this with your personal injury attorney.

These common pedestrian-vehicle accidents are:

Loss of Control Accidents

A loss of control accident is when a driver loses control of their vehicle and connects with someone not in a car. This can include sideswiping pedestrians or making full contact.

This type of accident holds the most risk of the pedestrian being run over, trapped under the automobile, or crushed between the car and a stationary object.

Crosswalk and Sidewalk Accidents

A crosswalk accident occurs when someone in a moving vehicle fails to give way to a pedestrian legally crossing and connects them with the car.

Parking Lot Accidents

This type of accident happens when a driver hits a pedestrian with their car, often in a parking lot. This can occur because the driver’s view is obstructed as they reverse out of their parking space and fail to see shoppers crossing behind them.

Types of Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Depending on how the accident occurred and the type of accident, pedestrian accident injuries can vary in severity. For example, a slight bump in a parking lot may only result in a bruise, but an accident at high speed can be fatal. Types of pedestrian accident injuries can include:

Soft Tissue Damage

While these types of injuries can heal quickly, they can be very painful to the injured and include lacerations, sprains, dislocations, and tears.

Soft tissue damage injuries can result in scarring and long-term difficulties depending on the severity.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

This type of injury can be life-altering and severely damage the pedestrian. Not all symptoms display immediately, and you should note that they can appear after a delayed period. Symptoms of head injuries include, but are not limited to:

  • Confusion
  • Concussions
  • Dizziness
  • Vision Problems

Broken Bones and Fractures

Broken bones and fractures are very common in pedestrian-vehicle accidents. Commonly broken bones are legs, arms, wrists, hands, and shoulders. Back fractures may also occur, along with more serious broken bones.

Injuries resulting from broken bones are extremely painful and may take months to heal. Long-term difficulties can also arise during and after the healing process.

What to Do if You’re in a Pedestrian-Vehicle Accident

Suppose you’ve been involved in a pedestrian-vehicle accident and sustained any of the pedestrian accident injuries we listed above. In that case, it’s recommended to seek the help of a personal injury attorney.

Due to the possibility of delayed onset, some injury symptoms may only appear weeks or months later, and you may want to make a financial claim against the driver. But, again, your personal injury attorney will know the best course of action to take. You can discover more

 about filing claims here.

Be Aware and Be Safe

We can’t always predict when something tragic will occur, but when it does happen, it helps to know more about the situation at hand and how to deal with it.

Seeking help from a professional attorney specializing in pedestrian accident injuries can help you recoup any medical bills you may have already had to pay.

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