

As a cyclist, you are probably looking for ways to improve your endurance and performance every time you hit the road. Luckily for you, beta-alanine is a scientifically proven supplement that improves endurance and performance during workouts such as sprinting, cycling, and weightlifting. It is possible to enjoy such benefits with only four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation.

Beta-Alanine Effects on Cycling Performance

Several studies on the effect of beta-alanine supplements in the sport of cycling have proven that it is effective in increasing muscle carnosine levels, which delays fatigue when training. Beta-alanine naturally occurs in the body but at limited levels, and it is one of the ingredients that form carnosine.

So when you take beta-alanine supplements orally, they increase your carnosine levels which buffer lactic acid and allow you to exhaustion. As you may already know, lactic acid accumulates during any period of high-intensity performance, whether you are racing up a hill or sprinting to the finish leading to fatigue. Therefore more carnosine levels delay the lactic acid accumulation resulting in better performance.

Beta-Alanine is Effective for Short Bursts of Exercise

Research has shown that beta-alanine is effective for any short bursts of activity, whether at the beginning of the training or several minutes into the bout. In a study by Van Thienen and his colleagues, participants performed a testing exercise before and after 8week supplementation with 2-4mg of beta-alanine per day.

After a 110minite stimulating cycling race, the cyclists demonstrated increased maximum power output by 11% compared to the placebo. The average power output during a 30seconds sprint test was 8% greater after supplementation. The study concluded that beta-alanine improves bursts of speed in the context of regular races.

The Efficacy of Beta-Alanine is Between 3-6mg Per Day.

Although the maximum limit of carnosine levels is unknown, scientists believe it continues to increase with every beta alane supplementation. According to studies taking 3.2mg of beta-alanine every day can increase muscle carnosine levels by 42%, while 6mg can boost the percentage to 64%. That strongly suggests a continuous increase of carnosine levels with every beta-alanine intake.

There is No Need to Cycle Beta-Alanine

At the moment, there is no scientific evidence to show whether beta-alanine supplementation is harmful after using for an extended period. So there is no proven suggestion for cycling beta-alanine.

When you take beta-alanine supplements for an extended period and stop, it takes a while for the carnosine levels to return to normal, which means that it is a stable metabolite. After halting the supplementation, it would take about 15weeks for the carnosine levels to return to baseline.

It Has a Side Effect Known As Paresthesia.

Beta-alanine supplementation has one side effect known as paresthesia, which many describe as a tingling sensation in the muscles. While some people experience it intensely, mainly in the face and hands, others do not experience it. It is only a side effect, and it goes away in days.

Wrapping Up

Beta-alanine is one of the thoroughly researched workout supplements, and its effectiveness in cycling is proven.

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