The connection between poor sleep and Alzheimer’s
Poor sleep over the night can result in a feeling of being restless, worn out, and tired the following day. However, these are some of the minor consequences of poor sleep that people are familiar with. However, did you know that poor sleep could have permanent effects on your health? Lack of adequate sleep drains your brain cells resulting in terminal illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. In this blog, let us explore the connection between poor sleep and Alzheimer’s disease.
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Alzheimer’s disease Defined
Alzheimer’s disease is a specific brain disease that causes a shrinkage of the brain cells resulting in the death of brain cells resulting in loss of memory and decline in the patient’s level of thinking and reasoning. Recently, scientists discovered that Alzheimer’s disease could result from poor sleep. As you sleep, the body gets to relax, and so does your mind making the neurological process quicker and effective. Thus as you sleep, the brain can remove all the toxic components that cause Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s safe to say that Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that most people are familiar with, but it’s not the only one in this class of ailments. It’s an ailment that has the capacity to influence your daily activities, and its symptoms include rapid changes in your thinking patterns, a decline in your concentration, fatigue, and making poor decisions.
Poor sleep versus other sleep phases
This might sound a little bit awkward, but it’s indispensable since many people do not understand what we mean by poor sleep. To begin with, sleep can be classified into five main categories, and in simple terms, these are awake sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. Doctors agree that sleep is vital to your health, but they also agree that you must reach the deepest stage of your sleep to get the best from your sleep.
Each stage of sleep impacts your mental health and determines whether you are at the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease or not. Importantly we must understand that the amount of sleep over the night varies with the various stages of sleep. An individual tends to sleep more at the early stages of sleep, and the sleep declines as the night advance. However, this should not worry you, as there are strategies that you can bring into play to make sure you are getting more than enough sleep. Firstly you can make use of
sleep provider, avoiding distractions as you try to fall asleep, and exercising.
Poor sleep can be defined as a state where an individual does not reach the deepest level of sleep, such as Non-REM sleep. It is associated with finding it difficult to sleep, waking up severally over the night, and regular headaches.
Deep sleep
It’s the best phase of your sleep and helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease in numerous ways. A deep sleep, it’s when your body is most relaxed and calm, and little or less activity is taking place in your body. At this stage, the brain is not working since you have already dreamt, making it possible for the neurological processes to occur.
In a nutshell, in a deep sleep, your brain is at rest which makes the temperature of your body drop, slowing down the brain cells and thereby creating an optimum environment for your brain to get rid of toxic substances.
In a night of deep sleep, your body can prevent the build of beta-amyloid in your brain cells, a causative agent of Alzheimer’s disease. The beta-amyloid is sticky plaque that forms in your brain cells, causing the death of your nerve cells.
How to avoid Alzheimer’s disease by getting adequate sleep
In this section, I want to emphasize that I will share some tips that you can use to ensure you are sleeping well and even enjoying the deepest stage of your sleep. However, these are not magical formulas that will give you instant sleep. Getting adequate sleep requires proper planning, exercising, and diligence. To get enough sleep, always ensure that you exercise daily, have a healthy meal, and manage anxiety and worries before you sleep.
In this blog, you will discover that a strong relationship exists between Alzheimer’s disease and your sleep. Here you will explore the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and how you can enhance your sleep and prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alan Roodey is a professional Author and contributor to many sites. He loves to write on various topics.